[Note: "MGS FIVE: Sins of Libertine" is my own imaginary sequel to the videogame Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots, and is meant to be taken as fan-fiction, not an actual product. It is not affiliated in any way with Konami, Kojima Productions, or the Metal Gear Series; however, it is presented here as if it were.]

Part A - Part B - Part C - Part D - Part E - Part F - Part G - Part H
== Instructions ==
[A type of codec screen opens up and Fix is able to talk to his Father.]
FIX: (in pain) "This is Fix, can you hear me? I'm next to the river."
FATHER: (slightly distorted) "Concentrate, soldier!"
FIX: "I'm in. Dislocated finger... bruised ribs and and some ugly scratches besides... Damn crosswind got me."
FATHER: "Just focus on your pain for now. Let me get a sense of how bad it is..."
[Fix closes his eyes and breathes.]
FATHER: "The concussion knocked you out for four minutes, but you're lucky, there are no major injuries. You'll suffer from mild nausea, disorientation and limited breathing for an hour or two, but you'll be fine."
FIX: (faint) "This isn't how I wanted to start."
FATHER: "I know, it would've been nice to start at full speed. But everything you're doing is very high-risk, and you should take this is as your first reminder of that fact. You'll have to crawl before you walk, this time."
[Cuts to gameplay. Father's voice plays over the basic tutorial. Crawling, walking, and bellycrawling are covered first, and then attacking and other basic controls. "Injured Mode" is described, where abilities and movement are impaired due to high rate of injuries, but concentration is increased more quickly. "Concentration Meter" and "Telepathic Assistance" are then explained as follows.]
FATHER: "During the mission it will be vital to monitor your Concentration Meter, which is the key to our psychic link. The higher your concentration, the more I can help you progress. Normal Concentration will allow me to speak to you and read your mind, like we're doing now. But if you're spotted by the enemy or engaged in combat, your adrenaline and preoccupation will override that, and you'll be on your own until you find a safe spot for a few seconds."
FIX: "Right, that makes sense. I won't be able to concentrate on you when I'm fighting."
FATHER: "When you're out of danger, stay still and you'll enter Raised Concentration. With raised concentration, I'll be able to heighten your senses, creating a visualization of some things you wouldn't otherwise notice. This will come in the form of Psychic Radar and Highlighting. Let's try it now..."
[The player is forced to stay still and reach Raised Concentration status, at which point his surroundings begin to gain a faceted, simplified overlay; objects, animals, and things of interest are highlighted, like a kind of Night Vision from the previous game.]
FIX: "What's happening to my vision?"
FATHER: "I've never shown you this technique before, but this is called Highlighting. It renders your surroundings as simplified forms, and highlights out anything that could be of interest. This is especially useful in Injured Mode, when you'll want to stay out of sight and recover."
FIX: "I guess it's harder to get preoccupied when you're in constant pain... Forced to focus on yourself and the moment..."
FATHER: "And on how nice it would be to have some help from your padre."
[The Highlighting Mode switches off, and instead a new mode very similar to the SOP system turns on, in which living creatures are visible through walls and obstacles, as well as their line of sight.]
FATHER: "This is Psychic Radar. Unlike the other mode, this one is less about enhancing what you see, and more about seeing the unseen. With enough concentration, I can tap into a deeper sense of where people are around you—your sixth sense, so-to-speak. This will allow you to see humans through walls and obstructions, and even whether their attention is in your direction."
FIX: "The feeling you get when somebody is watching you. That's amazing."
FATHER: "It's the gift of our family to do these things. But keep in mind there'll still be situations where you'll want to use traditional technology, such as binoculars, thermal vision, or a directional microphone. If for some reason the connection between us is lost, you'll need alternatives."
FIX: "I'll be on the lookout for items and weapons anyway."
FATHER: "Speaking of which, finding a guard to steal from is your first objective. Knock him out, take everything he has, and find the civilian population so you can ask about General Azogue's intentions. Make sure you don't kill the guard, though. I don't want any dead bodies until we know their plan."
FIX: "Roger that. I think I'm in good enough shape to take out an unsuspecting guard from behind."
== Following the River ==
[The controls are unfrozen and the player is free to move again. Father reminds Fix that he can call for more information on at any time by pressing SELECT and picking him from the menu, and that more tools and options can be found in the START menu. Unlike previous games, action is not paused while communicating with the support team, and instead, players can only make such calls while in a non-Alert mode.]
[The map terrain is randomized, meaning that specific paths, routes and locations are unknown. However, some general rules of the first area are: it's raining at night time, reducing visibility and creating mud foot trails. The area is highly forested, with no trails and therefore no dead ends. Under the canopy of the jungle forest the rain is mostly blocked out and there are even some dry areas. Also, the rain has made the river current is too strong to swim, but even normal current is too much for Fix while he's in Injured Mode.]
[There are a few points of interest which will always be scattered throughout the first forest area. They include a pair of skeletons embracing each other, a treehouse, and a crate full of washed-up drugs. When the player finally reaches a bottleneck point created by a ridge, they see a small cutscene.]
-- The Gear and the Guard --
[Fix spots a guard standing next to the river, examining a torpedo-like device that appears to be stuck on between two rocks, and some scuba gear reminiscent of Solid Snake's in MGS1. Father tells Fix to knock him out while he's distracted, and the player resumes control.]

[If the player takes too long, the guard will throw the gear into the water and walk away, saying, "When is the rain gonna let up?" If the player makes himself known or is otherwise spotted, the guard will point his gun at the player and order him to freeze and lay down on the ground. If the player does not obey, he will outrun the player and knock Fix down himself. At this point he puts his knee on Fix's neck and begins questioning him.]
GUARD: "Who are you? What are you doing here?"
FIX: "..."
GUARD: "Are you one of the village idiots? What do you know about this torpedo thing, and the dead body inside it!"
FIX: "..."
GUARD: "Answer me!"
FIX: (feigning fear) "What! I don't know anything about that! I was told one of the kids ran into the forest, I came to look for her!"
GUARD: "Really? Then what's with the wet suit? Planning on taking a swim while you were at it?"
FIX: "I was just trying to prepare for the worst..."
GUARD: (pauses) "Don't bullshit me, amigo! I'll find out if you're telling the truth!"
FIX: "I swear, I don't know what to tell you..."
GUARD: (standing up) "Okay, you can get up. If you're sure the girl went this way, we'll look for her together. Stay within shouting distance, and don't get lost yourself! We're all going back to the village together, safely."
[The player resumes control as the guard proceeds to walk through the forest, shouting for the little girl. Between shouts, he asks for details about the girl, but Fix will reply that he doesn't know details. Once he has been knocked out, Fix will automatically take his clothes and gear, and then tie him up.]
[Once equipped with the Outer Guard Disguise, the following conversation takes place.]
FATHER: "Good work, that should let you enter the village and pass yourself off as one of the guards. When dressed as the enemy, you can mimic their body language by moving with the directional pad. Keep this in mind if you want to pretend that you're patrolling. But if you're disguise gets dirty, or bloody, or damaged, you'll draw suspicion, so you might want to unequip it in your Start Menu."
FIX: "He was carrying a pair of binoculars, a radio and a cheap service revolver. Is this their standard issue?"
FATHER: "Who knows? Normally it's the officers who carry revolvers, not guards. But if it's reflective of their arsenal, they must not be very concerned about security."
FIX: "Unless they've got a better security measure we don't know about."
FATHER: "Right. Just stay sharp and head along the river until you get to the village."
FIX: "What about that one-man SDV (swimmer delivery vehicle) and scuba gear? It looks like there's another intruder here besides me."
FATHER: "And one that doesn't mind getting his hands dirty, if there is a body inside it..."
FIX: "I'll keep an eye out. Continuing with the mission."
[Player resumes control. If the player tries to aim at the guard or find a way to kill him, Father will tell you to stop and Fix will obey. Approaching the torpedo will cause the camera to focus on it, with suspicious music.]
-- The Checkpoint + Road --
[As the player moves out of the forest, he reaches a guarded bridge checkpoint and a road. Out from the canopy of the forest, the rain is beating down loudly and obscuring vision. The guards are wearing waterproof ponchos and carrying submachine guns. Fix examines the situation with his newfound binoculars.]
FIX: "These guys have submachine guns... But it's all ancient."
FATHER: "I'm not much of a gun expert either, but I think those are Walther MPKs. They haven't been in production for about fifty years. They were used by Mexican and Portugese Navy, but... look closer, they've got... chains attached to them.'
FIX: "No way... It's chained to their belts? There's even a lock!"
FATHER: "Without nanomachines and an ID-control system, I guess they've resorted to more straightforward measures to prevent gun theft. It's unorthodox, but without a way of opening the lock you probably won't be able to take their weapon."
FIX: "Which means I won't be able to disguise very well either..."
FATHER: "It's enough to confuse them for a little bit, at least. Don't rely on your disguise if you don't need to, and don't underestimate them just because their weapons are old."
[Suddenly, voices are heard over the radio.]
???: "This is Tower One to Abram. What is your status, Abram? Over."
FIX: "Father, do you think they're talking about that guard?"
FATHER: "They must be wondering where he is."
???: "Abram, do you copy?"
FIX: "What should I do?"
FATHER: (pauses) "Use the radio. That's a standard two-way radio, so you should be able to send reports back to their bases and delay investigation. Just select the radio from the Item List using the L2 button, and choose the 'No problem' response by pressing the Square Button. There are four types of responses you can make, but this will calm their suspicions for a while, and prevent a search team from being sent to look around. Keep the radio equipped if you want to listen in on local reports, or choose one of the options to mess their operations. It's short-ranged and uses batteries, but it should be useful.
FATHER: "In the meantime, sneak by and continue forward. The road should lead to the village, but it's being patrolled, so you might want to take a side-path. I'll let you decide the best course of action."
[The game automatically follows Father's instructions about using the radio, and now the player is given control again. Players who take the main road will need to hide behind any roadside obstacles to avoid being seen, mimic the other guard's body language when seen from a distance, or take out other guards who get too close. The side-path has less guards, an outhouse with surveillance camera, and eventually leads to a lookout point with a view of the village. It stops raining and becomes foggy when nearing the village, either way. Looking at the village from the lookout point prompts a discussion of the civilian presence with Father and Calvo, as follows.]
FIX: "That's the village."
CALVO: "What's the size? What kind of civilian factor are we talking about here?"
FIX: "Judging by the number of houses, about a hundred."
CALVO: "Anything suspicious?"
FIX: "Not in the village itself... but there's a pretty huge graveyard next to it."
FATHER: "I'm sure we'll find out the story behind that soon enough. For now, get down there and find out if they know anything about the Loyalist's plans."
[Players must walk into the village (which is not a separately loaded area, but seamlessly loaded) and begin searching.]
Part A - Part B - Part C - Part D - Part E - Part F - Part G - Part H