[Note: "MGS FIVE: Sins of Libertine" is my own imaginary sequel to the videogame Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots, and is meant to be taken as fan-fiction, not an actual product. It is not affiliated in any way with Konami, Kojima Productions, or the Metal Gear Series; however, it is presented here as if it were.]

Part A - Part B - Part C - Part D - Part E - Part F - Part G - Part H
== Village Conclusion ==
[Wide shot of the village, from the road. About forty villagers crowd around the small house of the woman and the boy, making noise. It is unclear whether they are angry or happy.]
"Three minutes later."
[Inside, Fix is holding the door shut, afraid. The people are loudly demanding that he comes outside, shouting and banging on the barred shutters.]
WOMAN: (laughing) "They want to honour you!"
FIX: (frustrated) "I should've known better than to come back here..."
BOY: (helping to push on the door) "I don't like attention either."
[Outside, we see the overjoyed villagers; some cheering and some weeping. They call him "Saviour", "Prophet", "Saint" and "Hero".]
FATHER: (telepathically) "This is a tricky situation, son. You'll need to get out of that house and continue with the mission, without letting the enemy find out about you."
FIX: "Look, I can't tell you anything about myself, but I'm not sent from God. I just came here to find out what the General and his Loyalists are up to."
WOMAN: "Senor Azogue is a true hero! He gave us protection from the civil war and gave us a home in this beautiful valley. You will surely meet him and become a hero for what you have done! You have freed his people from the demon of the valley!"
FIX: (angry) "This is ridiculous. Do you know anything about the flying object last week? The one that made the explosion?"
MARIA: "Not really. The guards have said it was an enemy plane, but that is just one of many stories."
BOY: "I heard it was a space ship!"
FIX: "Grr. Forget about it! I just need to ask you two for a favour, okay?"
WOMAN: "Anything! Anything!"
FIX: "Help me get out of the house unnoticed, and never repeat what I talked to you about. Don't say how I got here, or anything else about me. Promise me you'll keep everything about me a secret, okay?"
BOY: "I promise! I won't say anything to anybody!"
WOMAN: "Say? What can we say when we don't know anything about you, friend! You are like an angel, appearing to answer our prayers! I will do anything you ask."
FIX: (struggling with door) "Good. Give me some sort of disguise, and let me out through the floor. Make up whatever stories you want about me, but give me time to get away."
WOMAN: (looking in a cardboard box of clothes) "There are only dresses and little boy's clothes."
FATHER: (telepathically) "Is that a cardboard box...?"
[Screen fades to black, and the next shot is of Fix escaping behind the house in the cardboard box, then stopping. Some villagers run past him towards the graveyard, saying they want to see for themselves. Father and Fix have a conversation as he continues forward, halting and continuing in a humorous manner.]
FATHER: "Hiding in a cardboard box is an ancient technique, used by the legendary Big Boss as early as the '60's, so don't underestimate its usefullness."
FIX: "I know, I know... You gave me a seven hour training course about it when I was ten."
FATHER: (somewhat excited) "But what I didn't tell you was that it greatly improves your ability to concentrate! While hiding in the cardboard box, your concentration will increase twice as fast as normal, and eventually allow you to attain 'Super Concentration'!"
FIX: "Super Concentration? What does that do?"
FATHER: "Super Concentration is a kind of spiritual harmony with the universe, allowing you to mentally overcome distractions and maintain concentration even in the midst of battle! But I suspect you'll need to spend a lot of time in the box before you reach that level of enlightenment..."
FIX: "Um... can we talk about White Dwarf, Father? Why weren't you disturbed by him back there?"
FATHER: "What do you think I was trying to tell you, soldier? The box is essential!"
FIX: (out loud) "What the hell!"
[The outburst alarms two villagers standing a small ways, around a corner.]
VILLAGER: "Hey! Did you hear that?"
VILLAGER 2: "Let's check it out!"
[Fix scrambles next to some other boxes and crates, and as the two men come around the corner, they soon notice it. As they approach, tense music builds. They walk up to, and pull away the box dramatically — but it's empty! Fix is seen walking around the other side of the house, wearing a full dress, as well as a shawl over his head, and walking in a teetering old way. This is the Villager Woman Disguise.]
FIX: (thinking) "Don't freak me out like that!"
FATHER: "Sorry."
FIX: "White Dwarf said that there were others, calling themselves The Broken. And he said the object in the sky was the Angel of Death. What do you think that meant?"
FATHER: "It means our suspicions were correct. He's got a handful of disgruntled ex-Special Ops under his command, and a top-secret project in the works. We may not know what he's planning, but it can't be good. I'm authorizing the use of deadly force."
FIX: "Okay, but we can keep the body count to a minimum."
[Fix sneaks back to collect the box, and then successfully exits the village area, down the road and around a bend. He is no longer wearing the dress disguise. The road is adjacent to the river, but there is a tower and checkpoint in the distance, barely visible through the fog. Fix equips his binoculars and we see it closer. A truck is driving through the gates and headed towards the village.]
FATHER: "Another checkpoint. And it looks like they're sending some traffic your way. Get off the road and find a different way in, before they find out about White Dwarf."
[There is a steep wall to the left of the road, and villagers behind him, so Fix hops over the railing and slides down to the water. The truck passes by while Fix swims across the river, being carried by the current as he goes. The river is much wider here than before, however, so the current isn't violent. He reaches the other side, and notices a sign saying "WARNING: ACCESS DENIED. TRESSPASSERS WILL BE EXECUTED."]
FIX: (out loud, quietly) "Oh well... What else should I expect?"
[Player resumes control.]
== The Wild Side ==
[This area is also randomized, but there are some consistant features: the area is heavily forested, and split into many paths due to the jutting landscape. Fog obscures a clear sight of the paths ahead and behind, so getting lost becomes a possibility. Gun cameras and traps are set throughout the area in hiding places, including landmines, claymores, tripwires, pitfalls, and bear traps. Players can pick up trap items and use them himself. Wild wolves and poisonous snakes are here as well, and will attack.]
[The terrain sharply rises and falls, twists and turns, widens and narrows. Streams of fresh water trickle throughout the exotic area, and when followed lead to waterfalls, ponds and small caverns. Bones and decaying bodies are found occassionally. The area should make the player enjoy exploring in a vast seamless jungle.]
[In addition to this, there are some patrolling guards here, who seem to be ignorant of the trap placements, falling prey to them as they go. Spotting them will trigger a small cutscene in which they ask each other "Where is she?" and "Do you see her footprints?" This sparks a small conversation with Father about why they're there, and who they're looking for.]
[Eventually, Fix will notice a set of feminine-looking footprints, and a recently extinguished cigarette butt. Father tells you to follow them, which is easy due to his Highlighting ability. They will lead the player into a scenic pond, with a waterfall. The area feels mysterious and dreamlike, with the fog and moonlight giving everything a soft, bright glow. Another cutscene.]
-- Wild Beauty --
[Fix tracks the footprints slowly, gun readied. He hides behind a tree as he hears a woman talking in a sultry voice; she has a English/British accent. From this spot he sees the back of a young blonde woman sitting on a log, with a thick ponytail down to her waist. Her face is unseen, but from this angle he can see that she is opening the front of her bright pink, double-breasted top. His concentration promptly drops to "Low" as he uses his binoculars to get a closer look. The player has control of the where to look, and the zoom level. Her accent, mixed with the way she emphasizes, causes her voice to sound like a female version of Liquid Snake from MGS1.]
[Looking away from her entirely will cause the concentration to return to "Normal", at which point your father will tell you to look her again, but stay focussed. However, as soon as Fix looks at her, his concentration will return to "Low". Players who refuse to look at her will get a special dialogue later.]
BLONDE: "Mmm! Are you ready for this?"
FIX: "?"
BLONDE: "Come on, I know you're watching me..."
FIX: "!?"
BLONDE: "I can feel your eyes running up and down my body, scanning every detail... Every last subtlety and curve... every tiny movement..."
[She slowly uncrosses her legs and leans forward (away from the player). Players who examine her butt area will notice an advanced cigarrette dispenser on her belt; they're "Lucky" brand.]
BLONDE: "What do you think of me, hm? Take a good look, and tell me, what do you think of... human perfection?"
[Fix moves out from behind the tree, getting closer while still looking through his binoculars. He is now directly behind her. She lets go of blouse and allows it to open fully as she runs her hands through her hair, posing.]
BLONDE: (passionate) "How does it feel to be a worthless shadow of a man? A hollow spectre, looking at a living, breathing goddess? It's agony, isn't it? Divine, soul-wrenching tragedy..."
BLONDE: (standing up, wide-stanced) "Worship me! Worship your goddess!"
[Fix is only a few steps behind her now, still using the binoculars. He accidentally steps on a twig, however, and alerts her to his presence. First Person View ends as he suddenly looks down and takes a step back. She lowers her arms and turns her head, and upon seeing him, shrieks loudly, pulling her blouse shut with both hands falling backwards (away from the player, since she has turned) on her butt. Fix lets out a shout of surprise as well, dropping his binoculars and instinctively drawing his weapon on her.]
[The player gets his first good look at her face. She is wide-eyed and in shock, but nubile and extremely beautiful. An HUD prompt indicates that the player can look in First Person View by holding in R1. At the moment, her legs are spread apart far enough to see up her skirt, while she's preoccupied hiding her body; it's too dark to see anything, though.]
FIX: (stammering) "Fr... Freeze..."
BLONDE: (stunned) "Okay!"
[She completely loses her arrogant tone, and her outfit changes colour, to white (her outfit uses OctoCamo for fashion purposes). Meanwhile, Fix isn't used to speaking English, and therefore has an accent while talking with her. The two stare at each other for a few moments, until she realizes that she should close her legs, and he realizes that he has been staring at her. If the player does not use FPV, the camera will repeatedly focus on different parts of her.]
FIX: "Sorry! I shouldn't have..."
BLONDE: "Oh my god! Who are you!"
FIX: "Nobody! I thought... Wait... who were you talking to!"
BLONDE: "Nobody! That was... how dare you...!"
FIX: "Don't move, okay? Stay there."
BLONDE: "Oh my god... You're really pointing your gun in my face! Loyola is the only one who's ever dared to do that!"
FIX: (lowering his gun) "Who are you? What are you doing out here in the wild?"
BLONDE: (retaliatory) "Huh! Who the hell are you to talk to me like that, anyway! You think you can do this to me and live? Playing dumb won't save you after this!"
FIX: (taking aim again) "Shut up! I asked you a question!"
[Instantly, she lets out a sudden gasp, sitting straight and becoming tense. Her eyes are locked on the gun and Fix's eyes; she lets out inadvertant worried hums.]
BLONDE: "All right... Do what you want to me!"
FIX: "What did you say!"
BLONDE: (quivering) "I'm yours... I'll do... anything you say... I give in!"
FIX: (nervous) "Answer my question! What's your name?"
BLONDE: "Chezra. I mean, Venus! I mean, it's Chezra and Venus, both I guess."
FIX: "Chezra? What are you doing here? Who was that you were talking to?"
CHEZRA: "My-my-my bodyguard... he's watching me. I'm sorry, what I was doing was wrong! You can punish me! Oh my god, what am I saying?"
[FPV option turns off momentarily. Hearing that she has a bodyguard, Fix begins looking around and takes cover beside some bushes. He keeps his gun on her.]
FIX: "What bodyguard? Where is he?"
CHEZRA: (buttoning her blouse, keeping her eyes on him) "I don't know where. He's just watching me all the time! You're not in danger, though; he only shoots if I tell him to!"
FIX: (staring at her body, distracted) "You were teasing him, then? That's..."
CHEZRA: (pausing) "You're... not one of the guards? You must be one of the village boys, then... Well! You risked a lot to see me here, but what's your next move, big man?"
FIX: (giving his head a shake) "Stop it! I'm not here to do anything to you. I need answers about what the General's plans are. How are you involved?"
CHEZRA: (climbing to her feet, timid) "We're not really married... We're just partners."
FIX: "Are you completely narcissistic? I'm talking about his military goals! What are they working on?"
[A closeup of her knees trembling. She is breathing heavily, bent over as if in pain. She grabs a handful of her hair, and pulls on her skirt's pockets.]
CHEZRA: (weak) "I can't... can't think with... that gun...!"
FIX: "What the hell?! What's wrong with you!"
[Fainting on the spot, Chezra's knees give way and she is about to fall against the log when Fix swoops in and catches her. Her outfit becomes glossy gray colour. As he holds her there, distraught, he hears the guard's voices from behind.]
FIX: "Damn it."
[Four guards with submachine guns run onto the scene.]
GUARDS: (over each other) "Goddess!" "Queen Venus!" "Damn it, he has her!" "It's her!"
GUARD 1: "You! Soldier! What the hell do you think you're doing with Queen Venus!"
GUARD 3: (into his radio) "Tower Two! We've found her Highness!"
FIX: (pausing) "Um... Put away your guns, you idiots! Do you want to kill her? She was... was poisoned by something here in the forest! We need to get her to the hospital!"
[Two of the guards lower their weapons and become concerned, while the other two keep aiming.]
GUARD 2: "How can that be...?"
GUARD 3: "Get your hands off her Highness! Now!"
GUARD 4: "Wait, you might hurt her!"
GUARD 1: "Look at him! He's not part of the search team! Plus we've received several reports of an imposter over the radio, causing trouble."
GUARD 3: "This is your last warning! Step back and drop your weapon immediately or we will open fire!"
GUARD 2: (hushed) "Hold on! He's still got her!"
[Fix looks around for an escape, and sees that the small rocky shore leads to another path to his right. He stays behind her and puts the revolver barrel in Chezra's open mouth.]
FIX: "Silence! One wrong move and I'll blow her head off!"
GUARDS: (over each other) "Damn it!" "How could you!!" "You devil!"
FIX: "Now, throw your weapons towards me!"
GUARD 1: "We... we can't! They're chained to us!"
FIX: (rolling his eyes) "You don't have keys?"
GUARD 4: "They're in the Sergeant's Quarters!"
FIX: "I can't believe this... Fine, then put them on the ground and sit on them, cross-legged! Then put your hands in the air!"
[The guards hesitate for a moment, but soon obey the orders. They mutter things about "goddess", "venus", and "queen". Fix then turns Chezra around and puts her over his shoulder. His concentration returns to "Normal".]
FATHER: (telepathically) "Fix? What just happened? Oh, nevermind..."
FIX: (thinking) "Suggestions?"
FATHER: "Take out the guards, before they have a chance to report the situation."
[Chezra wakes up, disoriented. She tries to pull herself straight using his pants as leverage, but ends up grabbing his butt and pulling his pants down. Fix screams in alarm and reaches down with his pistol-hand to pull them back up, and Chezra begins giggling. His concentration drops to "Low" once again. The guards, seeing an opportunity, pull out their own revolvers and try to call for backup.]
[Fix is wearing his wetsuit under the disguise, so in a moment of frustration he forgets about them and shoots the guard using the radio, turning his aims to the others. But before he can fire again or say anything, they take several aimed shots at his legs and other areas away from Chezra. Amazingly, however, the bullets veer around the two of them, zipping into the water behind them or the bushes. Chezra, eyes-closed, is screaming.]
[Unable to run properly thanks to his downed pants, and seeing a miraculous opportunity, he shoots two more guards, killing them instantly. The third one freaks out, and puts his hands up in submission. Fix, checking himself and her for wounds, is also stunned at the unbelievable turn of events. Chezra stops screaming and looks back, over her shoulder.]
CHEZRA: (pointing at the last guard) "Strike him down!"
[Instantly, a deafening bang is heard from above, and the guard is blown open by an electrical bolt. The thunderous echo resounds through the forest, causing birds and animals to cry out. Fix looks up at the sky, and sees the silhouette of a CYPHER-type flying object, with a large gun attached. It hovers for a little bit and then cloaks. He puts Chezra down and pulls up his pants.]
FIX: (being tough) "Smiting your worshippers, huh? I hope I'm not next."
CHEZRA: (clutching Fix between the legs) "No, I respect a man whose got balls."
[Fix, without warning, slaps her down to her knees, then places the gun against her head.]
CHEZRA: "!!"
FIX: "Know your place."
CHEZRA: (teary, half-smiling) "I'm sorry... I couldn't help myself."
FIX: "I'm going to stop General Quicksilver, and kill anyone I have to. I already killed your boogieman, White Dwarf. Do I need to kill you too?"
CHEZRA: (chuckling/weeping) "You killed Death? That's funny. If they don't wipe out the village for that act of rebellion, they'll certainly do it if you killed me. White Dwarf was our police force, keeping guards and villagers alike in line. Nobody knew who he was except the other members of The Broken and the Loyalist Royalty... Quicksilver and myself, and a few others. You're a brave man to fight him."
FIX: "If you're the Queen around here, tell them to leave the village alone. They're innocent."
CHEZRA: (wiping her eyes and nose, calming herself) "I knew there would be peasant rebels, but you're just too much. A one man coup d’état, telling your Queen what to do at gunpoint? Fine. I'll make sure they leave the village alone for now, but on one condition."
FIX: "What's that?"
CHEZRA: "You have to give yourself up. Either you die, or your people do."
[Music intensifies. Fix kneels down to her level, grabbing the back of her head and pulling it against the gun barrel, which he puts under her chin. His concentration becomes Normal.]
FIX: "They're your people, not mine. If you're going to threaten somebody, do it like this."
[He pulls back the hammer of the gun and pushes her head away from his, as if to avoid the blood splatter. She lets out a loud moan, and falls on her side, panting and writhing in ecstacy.]
CHEZRA: "Anything... anything... anything you want... I'll do it!"
FATHER: (telepathically) "That's enough. She's obviously got psychological problems. Get out of there before backup arrives."
FIX: (thinking) "Yes, sir. I'm sorry about that."
[Fix runs along the side-path and comes to a cleared area with a tall brick wall, which runs at an angle towards the river. The fog is totally cleared. At the top of the wall there are devices every few feet.]
-- The Wall --
FIX: "Sensors?"
FATHER: "Most likely, but I don't think motion detection or IR-beams would be effective in a forested area. They're probably heat-sensitive."
FIX: "This must be the outer wall of the compound itself. It's too high, and there are no branches close enough to help me, either."
FATHER: "Turn on the radio. Find out what they're saying about you."
[Fix ducks into some shrubs and turns on the radio.]
???: (mid-sentence) "...every precaution! Secure the Queen at all costs. Delta Unit, secure the water and the perimeter. Stay on high alert! The enemy is highly dangerous and may be dressed as one of our own! Stay in formation and switch to secondary frequency immediately! Over and out."
FIX: "They'll be coming here soon."
[A different, slurred voice comes over the radio. The man sounds drunk and obnoxious, with Spanish accent.]
???: "Hey, amigo! Are you messing with my sexy lady? Come on over, I have some presents waiting for you. Big piles of burning shit! Comprende? Do you habla Engles? Say something if you're hearing me!"
[The voice laughs loudly.]
FIX: (thinking) "That can't be General Azogue."
FATHER: "Indeed. Azogue has always quiet and secretive man, despite his mercurial temper. If he can get away with saying that, he must be another member of the 'Loyalist Royalty' that Chezra girl mentioned, or one of The Broken."
FIX: (sarcastically) "Great. They're hunting me down and calling me out."
FATHER: "It means you're getting to them. You have the upper hand as long as they're scrambling to keep up with you."
FIX: "But unless they left a doggy door open for me, I've kind of hit the wall here..."
[An electrical charging sound is heard above, and suddenly another bolt of lightning strikes, this time from an angle. It hits the bottom of the wall, blowing a hole big enough for Fix to fit through.]
FIX: "Are they reading my mind!?"
[The shouting of guards is heard in the distance, alerted by the sound and spectacle.]
FATHER: "Go for it. If he was planning to target you, he would have shot you instead of the wall."
[Fix runs to the hole and squeezes through. As he stands up, the camera zooms out to reveal the interior of the compound itself.]
Part A - Part B - Part C - Part D - Part E - Part F - Part G - Part H