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[Note: "MGS FIVE: Sins of Libertine" is my own imaginary sequel to the videogame Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots, and is meant to be taken as fan-fiction, not an actual product. It is not affiliated in any way with Konami, Kojima Productions, or the Metal Gear Series; however, it is presented here as if it were.]

Part A - Part B - Part C - Part D - Part E - Part F - Part G - Part H



== The Wrong Man ==

[The player has entered the area from the South, and is treated to fleeting shots of the Barracks/Prison area of the compound. The ground is mostly gravel and dirt with the exception of roads/walkways. For once, the ground is flat and landscaped, with several large open areas between buildings where tall grass grows; however, the ground is still wet from the rain, with small pools of water scattered throughout. Directly in front of Fix is a series of round metal barracks, similar to the classic "Quonset huts". There are 6 in total, 3 on each side of the road. This is where new recruits live, and are currently trying to sleep. The explosion has woken everyone up, however, and a commotion is heard from outside.]

RECRUIT 1: "What was that?"

RECRUIT 2: "Sounded like lightning... but I thought the storm was over!"

RECRUIT 3: "Shut up, I'm trying to sleep!"

RECRUIT 4: "I'm gonna check it out."

RECRUIT 3: "You know the rules! If you go outside, you're violating the curfew!"

RECRUIT 4: "Damn... what if it was an explosion, and a prisoner's breaking out?"

RECRUIT 3: "Then go take a look! But I'm telling the sergeant, and then you'll be the prisoner!"

RECRUIT 4: "Aw, man!"

[Fix has gone around the corner of the barracks and ducked against the wall, listening in. Behind him, a young recruit peeks around the corner of the neighbouring hut, and tries to tiptoe past without Fix noticing. But when he senses there's someone behind him, he turns and the young man jumps in surprise, motioning for him to be stay still and be quiet.]

YOUNG: (whispering) "You're sneaking out too? Look, I won't tell if you don't tell, okay?"

FIX: (hesitant) "...Okay."

YOUNG: (looking around nervously) "Cool. Look, don't tell anyone, but I got this smoking hot babe from Company 3 waiting for me behind the women's quarters. I hooked up with her once back in the village, too, before the damn draft. Keep this a secret and I can put in a good word for you. What's your name?"

FIX: "Don't bother. I've got bigger plans."

YOUNG: "Whoa, like what?"

FIX: (pointing towards the wall) "What, didn't you see that hole in the wall?"

YOUNG: (looks around the corner at the hole) "What the hell! Did that just happen?"

FIX: (nodding) "We'd have to be quick though. What do you think?"

[The young man quickly sneaks towards it, and peeks through. Almost immediately, loud voices from the other side of the wall order him to freeze. The young man falls backwards, scrambles to his feet, and begins running. A soldier squeezes through the hole a moment after, just enough to take aim and shoot the man's legs out. He falls to the ground screaming, and dozens of recruits stream out of the barracks at once, wondering what's happening. Nobody notices Fix sitting next to the barracks. The player resumes control as the commotion goes on.]

[If the player watches, he'll hear the heavily-armed "Unit D" trooper (who has managed to squeeze through) explain to everyone that the young man was an imposter trying to compromise the compound's security, who also attacked the Goddess Venus. The recruits are amazed at this, and ask whether he was a rebel villager or an AWOL soldier, but the guard says that information is classified and tell everyone to go back to their quarters immediately. The recruits obey reluctantly, and the troopers stand guard on both sides of the breach. During the commotion the player may enter the barracks and steal a "Recruit Disguise".]

[As the recruits file back slowly into their barracks, an "X-900 Pincer Personal Flight Craft" will fly overheard from outside the area limits, dazzling everyone still outside. The futuristic flying motorcycle glides over the barracks to the wounded man, dropping a net for the trooper to load the man into. Once secured, the Pincer takes off over the North wall. The excited recruits go inside and talk to each other about the whole situation instead of sleeping. Their discussion reveals that they are clueless about the other sections of the compound, and higher ranks in the faction. If the player makes himself known during this time, the trooper and Pincer will track him down and kill him.]


== Area Layout + Strategy ==

---[General Layout: Clockwise, from the South. An observation tower stands in the southwest corner, next to the river, while a checkpoint/bridge goes across the river to the west. In the northwest corner is an academy/school. A large fortified gate leading to a separate area sits directly north, while the Northwest holds the Sergeant's Quarters/office building. The east rises up towards the valley wall in two tiers, with the lower one dedicated to the women's quarters, and the higher one being the prison. A sizeable kitchen/mess hall building is in the southeast. The center of the area is a huge hanger building, with an obstacle course/firing range, where training takes place.]

---[Goal + Strategy: Since all of the exits are inaccessible, the player is forced to look for a way out; but since all of the (normal) exits in the area are sealed off and monitored, he has no choice but to explore other options. Therefore, the goal of this area is to enter the prison, at the most eastern point of the map. Before this can be done, the player is told to disguise himself as an "Interior Guard". Interior Guards wear berets and carry the Taurus PT92 handgun instead of the revolver. There are a total of 8 guards in this area: 3 patrol the road which circles all around the area, and 3 patrol their own sections. They use standard radios (set to the secondary frequency) and Stun Grenades, which they will use if they know where the player is hiding. The Unit D Trooper stands guard at the hole in the wall and is particularly cautious and aggressive. The final guard is in the middle section of the Observation Tower. Cameras are destructible, but a guard will be sent to investigate if one is taken offline.]

--[Observation Tower: The tower is about 20 storeys tall, has a Level 3 keycard doorway monitored by a surveillance camera, and two lookout platforms — one in the middle and one at the top. The middle platform has a malfunctioning spotlight which is able to shine into a large portion of the area, and a guard who operates it; this guard can be shot/killed, and will drop a pair of Night Vision Goggles into the mud if this happens. The top platform shines to the outside, and has no relevance to this area. Inside the tower is a Level 6 door (which would lead to the riverside), an elevator, and a room with a Silencer for the Taurus PT92.

When the inner spotlight is working, it will scan areas of the map and, if the player is spotted doing something conspicuous, standard interior guards will be sent to kill him. Taking out the spotlight prevents this.]

--[Bridge Checkpoint Gate: The West gate is a set of reinforced double-doors, and can only be opened from inside the checkpoint booth, which is sealed and bulletproof (it is accessed from underground). It also has a security monitor, and only a Sergeant or higher rank can authorize the gate opening. There is nothing useful here.]

--[Academy: This poorly maintained two-storey building can be entered through a window, or by busting down the wooden front door. On the first floor is a small lobby (where a bathroom and stairs are situated,) and a typical classroom, filled with desks. At the front of the classroom is a whiteboard, where math, spelling and a tally of warnings can be seen. On the walls are propaganda posters involving the evil PMC's, the righteous General Quicksilver and his Loyalists, and the sacred duty to preserve Brazil. A TV/VCR stand can be turned on, which will show a short cheesey film about patriotism, self-sacrifice and the glory of the days before PMC's took over.

The bathroom is spotless, but if the player tries to use (or punch) the paper towel dispenser, a Fashion Magazine will fall out of it, filled with pictures of sexy women. Browsing this severely lowers Fix's concentration.

Downstairs is a set of sewing machines, shelves of fabric and sewing supplies, and a corresponding motivational poster for female recruits. A Women's Decorative Uniform can be found here, which is small and awkward if worn (recreating the gameplay of "Injured Mode"), and which lowers concentration.]

--[North Gate: This gate is larger than the West one, and has a more advanced locking system. There is a man-sized Level 4 door here, with a surveillance camera.]

--[Sergeant's Quarters: Three storeys tall and well built, the office looks more like a large brick house than a typical office. It's windows are barred and its doors are heavy, but if the player knocks on the door or rings the doorbell long enough, an interesting situation unfolds. As the sergeant loudly charges downstairs with a handgun, an upper window is opened on the side of the house, and a young woman wearing only military pants/boots and a bra climbs out and shimmies down, sneaking quickly towards the women's quarters. The sergeant is wearing boxers and a tank top, and can be dispatched however the player chooses.

A conversation begins after the sergeant is knocked out or killed...

FATHER: "What a despicable man. Where is his discipline and integrity?"

FIX: "I guess the recruits aren't the only ones sneaking around at night."

FATHER: "In the military, you're supposed to be able to respect and admire your superiors. But it's hypocrites like him that kept me from being able to get through boot camp."

FIX: "You mean you actually tried out for the army?"

FATHER: "Yes, long before my experimental unit. But the whole system falls apart when a grunt can read the mind of his superiors. I knew exactly what they wanted from me, sure, but I also learned their dark secrets. It was a great disappointment to me, personally."

FIX: "That's why they invented the 'need-to-know basis', huh."

The first floor has a waiting room (with a receptionist desk), an office, and a maintenance closet; the second floor has a three offices, one of which is open. Inside the open office is a "Lvl 1 Belt Chain Key", which is necessary for unlocking the Walther MPK submachine guns. Finally the player can have the complete disguise. The third floor is the Sergeant's home, mostly empty but with a bedroom (where the open window is, as well as the rest of the girl's clothes), a bathroom, and a kitchen/dining room. The player can find the sergeant's uniform next to the girl's clothes, but he refuses to wear it; instead, he takes a Level 3 keycard from the pocket. In the other parts of the house there is a radio, but no TV or other forms of entertainment.]

--[Women's Quarters: The women's quarters are the same as the men's Quonset huts, except there are only 3 of them, with the addition of a waterhose and clothes-washing area. A guard patrols directly in front of the quarters. If the woman sneaking out of the Sergeant's quarters comes back to the quarters, the guard will completely look the other way as she sneaks back inside. He also avoids looking at the south end of the barracks, where a girl is waiting against the wall.

Approaching the guard with a complete disguise will cause him to ignore you, but an incomplete or wrecked uniform will cause him to investigate. Approaching with a Recruit Disguise will cause him to point to the girl against the wall and say "She's over there." (Also, approaching with either the Villager Woman Disguise or Women's Decorative Uniform will cause him to laugh hysterically, and tell you that he's "sorry, but only real women are allowed." It may be worth noting that the player can literally do anything (except fire his weapon) while dressed as a woman, and this guard will simply find it funny.

Walking up to the girl dressed like a Recruit will cause her to CQC-slam you to the ground, mount you, and remove your clothes until she sees you're wearing a wetsuit. "Is this a joke?" she'll ask, kicking dirt in your face and going back inside. Any other disguise will cause her to tell you to leave her alone, and eventually slam you to the ground and go back inside.]

--[Training Center: The central hanger is divided into three parts: firing range, obstacle course, and utilities. The firing range is deactivated, but 9mm ammunition is laying on the ground by the shooting stations. The obstacle course includes rope climbing, tires, tunnels, waist-high/shoulder-high walls, and razor-wire bellycrawl sections. The utility area has toilets, urinals and showers, as well as lockers that can be opened, but aren't big enough to fit in. Another "Fashion Magazine" is inside.]

--[Mess Hall: The mess hall in the southeast corner of the area is a standard, prefabricated, round metallic hall, filled with tables. At the far side of the building is a kitchen/food storage area, which is locked. The window into the kitchen has a metal shutter over it. A mouse crawls around, which will lead the player around to the back of the building, which has a dumpster filled with scraps and garbage. Beside the garbage is an item called "Alerzia", which artificially raises Fix's concentration to "Super" for a limited period of time.]


== Prison Complex ==

[The prison is on the most elevated area of the map, and from the outside seems to be little more than a parking lot with an intimidating bunker built into the compound wall/valley. The door requires an access code. If approached a cutscene occurs.]

FIX: "Something tells me I don't even want to sneak in there."

FATHER: "Why not? Prisoners are invaluable assets to spies. This could be your best chance to find out some of their secrets. Besides, you may need to escape from there later, so now's your chance to give yourself the upper hand."

FIX: "Thanks for the vode of confidence. Okay, so how do I get in? This looks pretty tight."

FATHER: "I don't see any ventilation ducts, but if it's underground they must be getting air from somewhere. Try looking for the vents."

[If the player does not have a complete "Interior Guard Disguise" (uniform, beret, 9mm handgun and submachine gun, in good condition), he will now be told to get one before infiltrating. If he has the disguise, a cutscene occurs in which Fix looks around outside for some kind of access, but suddenly hears a successful entry noise from the doorway. He peers around the corner to take a look, but the doorway is empty so he slips inside cautiously.]


-- Following Along --

[There is a small entrance area where two laundry carts stand against the wall (one with clean clothes and one with dirty) and a short hallway which leads to the main section of the prison. Fix surveys the room and begins moving forward, and as he considers what to do, the camera shows the door close behind him, taking a moment to show a fleeting closeup of a cardboard box in the corner. The same tense sound plays that was heard during the examination of the scuba gear in the beginning. But just then, a guard walks by the hallway and sees Fix.]

GUARD: "Oh, hey, you must be the new guy! We weren't expecting you until the next shift, but this will give us more time to train you."

[Fix looks back at the corner where the box stood, and it is now gone! He is compelled to follow the guard, however, and the camera follows him into the main area, which hearkens back to the old style of layouts in the Dock and Armory areas of Shadow Moses. Nine prison cells are placed symmetrically, with hallways on every side; three guards patrol these hallways, and now the player will be forced to learn their method!]


[The guard takes Fix to the center of the area, where the other two guards are gathered.]

GUARD: (clears throat) "All right, listen up new guy. The most important part of prison duty is following the patrol path with perfect timing! If somebody was sneaking around here, we have the numbers, but without good coordination and proper communication that means nothing. You understand? So the first thing we're going to show you is how to follow the patrol path..."

[A visual diagram shown on screen. Depending on the difficulty, the pattern is complex or simple. Father tells you to go along with it, and notes that he will psychically overly where the Fix should be if he wishes to follow the pattern. Fix grumbles.]

[The screen fades out, and as it fades back in Fix is standing at a corner of the area with the guard a step behind him. A blue circle with an arrow shows the player where he needs to stand in order to be "safe". The circle moves in the direction the arrow is pointing, and the player must follow the path three times in order to complete the lesson. Each time around, the routine becomes faster.]

[Failing to stay inside the circle, doing anything other than walking, or walking in non-mimicking style (with the joystick instead of directional pad) results in a "Warning". Three warnings causes you to be knocked out with a tazer and thrown in prison. As the guard explains it...]

GUARD: "Keep in mind that this is extremely serious! The guy who you're replacing thought he would goof off one day... Well, now he's inside the cell, not patrolling outside it."



[After completing Lesson 1, Fix is brought back to the middle and told about how to handle distractions.]

GUARD: "Sometimes as you're patrolling, you'll see, hear, or smell something suspicious. When that happens, it's important to quickly check it out, determine if it warrants an alarm, and if not, return to your spot in the patrol routine. Here, let's practice..."

[The player is put in position once again, with the supervisor at his back. This time, he must follow the patrol path at full speed, whilst running to investigate distractions as they come up. The first time around there is a knocking sound; the second time, a cast shadow; and the third time, footprints. On-screen indicators and the guard's instructions direct how the player must investigate these distractions. The 3-warning-rule is still in place, and one warning is removed for every lesson completed.]



GUARD: "Hopefully you'll never have to deal with an emergency, but if you do, make sure you know how to use your radio and call for backup! You already know advanced combat, so you'll know how to hold your own until they show up to help. Ready?"

[The first time around, the player must now follow the patrol path, investigate a distraction, and find a dummy; he is told to shoot the dummy, find cover, and radio for backup. If he does this, the other guards will run up and throw the dummy to the ground. The second time, the player must follow the path until somebody else calls for backup, and then run to their aid and throw down the dummy. At this point, the supervisor guard congratulates you on doing a good job (if you don't have any warnings) or tells you that you need improvement (if you have warnings), and gives you a Stun Gun as reward. But before they can begin the third and final part of the lesson, an unmarked metal door on the west wall opens, and a scientist walks in with a guard escort.]


-- Scientific Studies--

[The guards are surprised upon seeing the scientist, who looks middle-aged and is wearing a lab coat. He ignores the guards and walks directly to the South wall, through a Lvl 4 door. His elite-looking escort approaches, carrying a suitcase. He asks why they aren't patrolling.]

GUARD: (pointing to Fix) "We were training the new guy!"

ESCORT: (examining Fix, suspicious) "...Is that right?"

GUARD: (poking Fix in the arm, authoritative) "New guy, we'll do the last lesson later on. For now, go into the vent room and climb into the ducts. Make sure they're empty and collect the filters from all nine prison cells!"

FIX: (saluting) "Right away, sir."

GUARD: "After you're done, bring them back to me and I'll give you the replacement filters. And don't try talking to them!"

[Fix walks towards the ventilation room on the north side of the area and communicates with his father.]

FIX: (thinking) "Do you think that scientist was Dr. Morrison? What are they doing with these prisoners?"

FATHER: "No idea. Could be a medical examination, or it could be some part of their punishment. Either way, this is your best chance to question the prisoners and hopefully find out something valuable."

[Fix enters the room and climbs into the vents, which are designed to be man-sized and allow for crawling. Air is blowing constantly from the The player resumes control. There are three paths to go along, and each leads over three cells. As the player crawls over the cells he will pick up a Vent Filter, at which point he may look down and examine the prisoner.]


-- Six Extreme Prisoners --

There are 7 prisoners. The one who can give you information is always be the last you talk to, but there are seven others who will appear in no particular order before that. The player may talk to them by pressing Triangle while looking in their vent.

  1. One is an extremely sad prisoner, who sits and cries in his cell; if talked to, he will tell Fix to give him a gun so he can kill himself.
  2. Another is extremely drowsy, laying down and intermittently sleeping; if talked to, he will say "Is someone talking? I feel asleep."
  3. A third prisoner is extremely afraid, and is pressing himself into the corner of his cell; if talked to, he will have a breakdown and curl up, begging you not to hurt him.
  4. A fourth prisoner is extremely angry, and sits attacking the door constantly; if talked to, he will tell Fix to come into the cell so he can kick his ass.
  5. A fifth is extremely alert, and notices Fix's approach even before he removes the filter from the vents. He will begin asking who is there, and, if talked to, will quickly answer that Fix isn't supposed to be talking to the prisoners, and promise to report him to the other guards the first chance he gets. He is the former prison guard, he explains.
  6. A sixth is extremely happy, and sits in a relaxed manner against the wall, whistling a cheerful tune; if talked to, he will be happy to see Fix, and refuse to talk about anything "negative", like military secrets or how to infiltrate Area 3. He tells Fix to stop worrying about that kind of thing, and says that if he can be happy while locked up in prison, Fix should certainly be content with things too.
  7. The last prisoner you meet does not appear to have any extreme behaviour. A cutscene occurs when talking to him...


-- The Final Prisoner --

[The man is slowly pacing around his cell.]

FIX: "Hey, can you hear me?"

MAN: "Huh? Yeah, I can hear you."

FIX: "Listen to me, I don't have much time and I need your help. Can you answer some questions for me?"

MAN: "I can, but I've already told you guys everything, so you're wasting your time."

FIX: "Actually, I'm not one of the guards. I need to know what General Azogue's plans are. Is he developing a new weapon?"

MAN: (sighing) "His plans... I don't know what they are, really. Nobody knows what Azogue is planning, especially not us low-ranking grunts. They tell us we're steadily preparing for the day we can overcome the PMCs and reclaim the world, but we're not allowed to see any proof that the war is even going on anymore. As for a new weapon, they're always building new machines of war."

FIX: "Like what? I saw a one-man flying craft earlier..."

MAN: (scratching his head) "That must have been an X-900 Pincer Personal Flight Craft. They're designed for high-level emergency responses, and can work in teams when they need to. As for other examples, I can only think of the so-called 'Walking Disabler Unit' that I've seen in Area 3 a few times."

FIX: "Walking Disabler Unit? What is that?"

MAN: (obviously bored) "It's a manned robot, designed to disable all sorts of enemy equipment and personnel."

FIX: "What about that incident last week? A strange object was seen in the sky above this valley, and then there was an explosion."

MAN: (interested) "I don't know anything about that. I was arrested two weeks ago, and I haven't even seen the outside since then."

FIX: "Hm. What else can you tell me about the compound?"

[Close up of the man. His speech becomes heavy and thoughtful.]

MAN: (pausing) "This place? It's not a normal military compound. We get drafted into the army at the age of 12, brainwashed into worshipping the General and the brass, and conditioned to compete for approval. Everyone here still remembers the old days, and many of us were serving in the military at the time. We either chose to come here ourselves, or our parents did. Certainly we never expected it to turn out like this."

[Pictures start to accompany dialogue.]

MAN: "Meanwhile they send the Nightmare to kill us in our sleep, treat us like slaves, and push our face in the mud until we stop struggling and promise to keep it there voluntarily. If you were a guard, you would know that very well. You don't get to leave this miserable training ground until they know you're a mindless puppet. Until you're broken."

FIX: "What exactly landed you in here?"

MAN: "Somebody said I was planning something. I liked to keep afloat with any information I could, asking questions in the hopes that my curiosity would be contagious. But I only ended up alienating myself by challenging the system. All it took was one wrong move and I knew one of those grovelling idiots would rat me out. As it turns out, it was my theory about Dr. Morrison in the secret facilities under the hospital, to the North."

FIX: (surprised) "Dr. Morrison!? How do I get to those secret facilities?"

[Suddenly, the man's cell door is opened by the elite escort, and the man is taken away by him. Fix ducks away from the vent. The cell door closes and Fix is left by himself. The player resumes control.]

FATHER: "Get back to the other guards before they get too suspicious. We might have another chance to talk to the man later if we don't lose their trust."

[Once the player exits the vents, the supervisor guard is waiting for him, impatient.]

GUARD: "Took you long enough! You're lucky this is your first time. Now here, these are the replacement filters. While the doctor is observing the prisoner, put these on the other vents in the proper order. I'm giving you two and a half minutes. And if you don't put them all on correctly, you're seriously going to regret it..."

[The player heads back into the vent and a timer of 2:30 begins. However, Father does not like the idea.]

FATHER: "Fix, take a look at those so-called 'filters' before you put them on the vents."

FIX: "Huh? They're all labelled with some kind of emotion or traits..."

FATHER: "So my suspicion was right..."

FIX: "What do you mean?"

FATHER: "You saw how each of the prisoners had some kind of extreme behaviour. I wondered if they were being tested for various kinds of mind-altering chemicals, and now it looks like I have my proof."

FIX: (angry) "Using prisoners as guinea pigs, huh? These bastards really have no souls."

FATHER: "Similar experiments have been done in the name of science for over a hundred years, although most of it has been hidden from mainstream awareness. In this case, those filters secretly give them an aerosolized dose of drugs, causing them to act out abnormally. Don't put them back on."

FIX: "I just noticed that one of them is called 'Truth'..."

[Suddenly, a radio report is heard.]

GUARD: "Enemy sighted! I need--!"

[Gunshots are heard outside the vents.]

GUARD: "Watch out, he's got--!"

[An explosion shakes the vents. The player now has the option of leaving the vents. If he doesn't, the last guard will also scream and die, and it will remain silent until he leaves. Going to the observation room allows the player to see the prisoner, being told be the elite escort to stay quiet and sit still. The player is prevented from aiming at the prisoner.]


Part A - Part B - Part C - Part D - Part E - Part F - Part G - Part H


All original content © Terry Wolfe, 2008. Metal Gear, Metal Gear Solid and all related logos, characters, artwork, etc. © KONAMI CORPORATION
This is a fansite, and nothing on this site is intended for sale or profit.