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[Note: "MGS FIVE: Sins of Libertine" is my own imaginary sequel to the videogame Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots, and is meant to be taken as fan-fiction, not an actual product. It is not affiliated in any way with Konami, Kojima Productions, or the Metal Gear Series; however, it is presented here as if it were.]

Part A - Part B - Part C - Part D - Part E - Part F - Part G - Part H



== Getting Out of Prison ==

-- The Intruder --

[Exiting the ducts, the player enters a cutscene as he moves towards the center of the area. Evidence of the battle is all around him. One of the guards is still faintly breathing.]

GUARD: (coughs) "Watch out... he's... still in here."

[The door to the observation room slides open. From this perspective, all Fix can see is the prisoner in the chair. He ducks behind a corner and readies his submachine gun; however, he is visible from many angles and is clearly uncomfortable. The escort throws out a smoke grenade, and it explodes into a huge gray cloud.]

FATHER: "Move in and secure the prisoner!"

[Fix takes the long way around, and moves into the room where the prisoner is sitting.]

MAN: "Are you the guy who was talking to me..."

[A single gunshot rings out, and the sound of a body hitting the floor can be heard. Fix peers through the smoke desperately, pushing the prisoner beside the door and pressing himself against the wall as well.]

FATHER: "Concentrate! We'll use psychic radar and you might be able to detect him!"

FIX: (thinking) "I can't see anything! Who won?"

MAN: "What's happening...? Did somebody else sneak in here too?"

[A cocky voice is heard over the radio.]

???: "Man, that was close! Are you all right, Mister Action Hero?"

FIX: "!?"

???: "Right, you have to keep your cover, I get it! But you have to admit we make a pretty good team.

FIX: "Who is this? Why are you following me?"

???: "Because you're the man to follow! Unless of course there's more important super spy that I should be giving my attention to. And since you asked, you can call me Carson. Let's just say I've been a fan of yours for a while now."

[The smoke clears. Fix peers around the corner and sees an undressed man with his head turned backwards, dead. On his body is a series of occult looking tattoos. The prisoner tells you the scientist is probably in the next room, and Fix knocks on the large mirror.]

FIX: "Hey! Are you alright?"

SCIENTIST: (afraid) "What's going on? Please, don't hurt me!"

FATHER: "Fix, I have an idea..."


-- Time for Answers --

[Screen fades out slowly. When it fades back, Fix is strapping the scientist into the chair dressed as a prisoner, and the prisoner is standing behind Fix dressed as the scientist, lacing his shoes.]

SCIENTIST: (screaming, struggling) "Help!! Somebody!!"

FIX: "You know, I hear they make excellent drugs to help people relax nowadays..."

SCIENTIST: "I can't believe this! I was simply following orders, you know! I never hurt anyone! This wasn't my idea!"

[A shot of the scientist pissing his pants. Fix finishes strapping him in and steps back.]

FIX: "I'm following orders too. And right now my orders are to find out what the hell is going on in this compound, and how I can stop it. And you're going to help me."

SCIENTIST: "What!? Who are you really? How did you get in here?"

FIX: (pulling out a filter unit) "I'm asking the questions now, doctor. I have in my hands a drug which, when inhaled, is supposed to act as an effective truth serum. You were observing its effects on this prisoner, and now you can test its effectiveness first hand."

[Fix opens part of the filter, enough so that a smoke-like substance begins to rise out of it. He holds it under the scientist's face, and although the man squirms and jerks his head to avoid it, eventually he inhales it.]

FIX: "I might not have long with you, so I hope this is fast-acting."

SCIENTIST: "Damn it!"

FIX: "Who is Dr. Morrison, and where is he?"

SCIENTIST: (afraid) "Morrison? No... I can't... He's behind practically every project going on here! He's... he's below the hospital in Area 3!"

PRISONER: "I knew it! I damn well knew it! I told you, didn't I?"

FIX: "How do I get to him from here?"

SCIENTIST: "You'd... have to take the subterranean tunnel system, through that unmarked door and past the hidden prison! The keycard for the door is in the briefcase my escort was carrying."

FIX: "We have the briefcase. But what hidden prison are you talking about?"

SCIENTIST: "I shouldn't... it's... where they take those prisoners who they don't want anyone finding out about, such as villagers and political captives. There must be more than thirty of them at any given moment. I hear they get killed in horrible ways..."

PRISONER: "Damn you! Are you doing tests on them too!?"

[The prisoner is about to punch the scientist in the face, but Fix stops him and holds him back.]

SCIENTIST: "No!! Th-they're not tested on, from what I know of! Supposedly, they undergo some sort of horrible occult rituals in order to appease the woman they call Goddess Venus!"

FIX: "That arrogant bitch, I'll make her pay sooner or later. But tell me, why are you testing these drugs? Is this part of General Azogue's military plans?"

SCIENTIST: (shaking his head) "I'm sorry... I really don't know! Everything they do is compartmentalized to the point where everyone is working together, but nobody can see the bigger picture. Dr. Morrison would know, however."

FIX: "What do you know about the incident last week? There were reports of a flying object over the Paradiso Valley skies, and an explosion shortly thereafter."

SCIENTIST: "Oh, that. That was an Angel!"

FIX: "Are you trying to be funny? I guess you need a bigger dose of this stuff, huh?"

SCIENTIST: "It's the truth! That's what I was told! The codename of the flying craft they were testing... it was Angel! There are more than one of them."

FIX: "More than one? That White Dwarf called it the Angel of Death. What is it? What does it do?"

SCIENTIST: "A white dwarf? ...Anyway, I don't know anything more about that. Just that it's a flying weapon, and it isn't complete yet."

[Fix turns to the prisoner.]

FIX: "What's your name?"

PRISONER: "Donovon."

[Looking in briefcase for the keycard.]

FIX: "Donovon, I want you to come with me to the facilities where Dr. Morrison is. I need you to pretend that you're this guy so we have a more convincing cover."

DONOVON: "Sure. It's the least I could do to repay you for rescuing me... What's your name?"

FIX: "Just call me 'Friend', for now. If we make it out of this alive, I'll tell you my real name."

SCIENTIST: (depressed) "If you're looking for the key, it's not a card or anything... it's inside the briefcase's construction itself. The briefcase is the key."

FIX: "What? So we have to bring this thing along, huh? Fine. Let's go."

DON: (following Fix) "Right."

[The two men go through the unmarked door by using the briefcase, and down some stairs, through a narrow corridor.]

DON: "You mentioned somebody named White Dwarf. Who is that?"

FIX: "He's the one who Azogue hired to act like the Grim Reaper in the valley. He was capturing villagers and probably using the underground tunnel system to take his prey to this secret prison. I managed to kill the bastard thanks to one of the villager boys."

[Donovon stops in complete amazement. Fix turns to see what's the matter.]

DON: "...Killed him? You mean... the Nightmare is finally over? The terror of our lives was a man working for Azogue!? How on Earth did you manage to...?"

FIX: (pulling out the short bow) "This thing, actually."

DON: (grabbing it violently away) "Joseph's bow! You met my brother Joseph!? Is he okay?"

FIX: "He was fine when I left him. He was planning to take out White Dwarf by himself until I saved his life."

[Donovon kisses the bow, and then lunges in to kiss Fix as well. Fix holds him off.]

DON: "This proves it! God truly must exist, and you are his deliverer! You saved my brother, avenged my mother, and now you've saved my life too! Truly you are a saint! I never truly believed before, but God has finally answered our prayers! I owe you everything, Friend! Thank you!"

FIX: (pushing him off) "You're welcome, okay? You can keep the bow, since you might need it later. But before you go seeing the light, maybe you should ask yourself why God let it come this far to begin with, and waited until your whole family was on the brink."

DON: "Oh, I don't know, friend, but thank you! God bless you! I will follow you to hell and back, and together we will get justice!"


== The Tunnel ==

[The area through the door begins with a well-constructed set of stairs decending into a corridor, but suddenly becomes rough hewn rock, dim and silent as it meets the tunnel going north. Every sound reverberates off of the walls and ceiling, which are uneven and jagged. A guided tram cart runs along the passage, downward. Going back is prohibited for now. Reaching the cart causes the two to climb in, and the player is only able to look around during the ride.]

FIX: "We'll be taking this tram cart. I want you to drive, and I'll act as your escort."

DON: "Yes sir. It looks pretty straightforward, but what are we going to do once we get to the secret prison?"

FIX: "There's nothing we can do, for now. The best way to help is to shut down their whole operation so that can't hurt any innocent people again."

[As the ride evens out, the tunnel widens enough for walking space on both sides, and dozens of steel doors are passed. Bare bulbs hang from cables and nobody is in sight. A lonely cello plays as background music. The conversation continues.]

DON: "You know, that whole time I was in prison, that was my best experience I've had here."

FIX: "Huh?"

DON: "I know it sounds strange, but for the first time since I joined their ranks I felt like I was free, even though I was locked in a room for the wrong reasons."

FIX: "I don't understand. Is that a side-effect of the drug?"

DON: (laughing) "No... What I mean is, I was finally able to be myself. Until I was arrested, I had to act like I was loyal to their corrupt system, being treated like a dumb dog, with no right to think for myself, or question my masters. That was true punishment. True confinement..."

FIX: "The freedom to mindlessly obey isn't much a freedom, huh."

DON: "...A prison for the mind, so-to-speak."

FIX: "Well you're free for now, from their control as well as their jail cell. But it's going to take a hell of a lot before either of us is free from this compound."

DON: "Right. We'll have to fight our way out."

[Just then they pass the prison area and reach a crossroads, where elite guards and cameras are stationed. They watch as the two drive by.]

DON: "Do you think they suspect us?"

[An alarm sounds and the tram is shut down, coming to a stop. The guards begin running towards Fix and Donovon with their weapons.]

FIX: "A little bit!"

[Fix jumps out of the cart and the passes Donovon his revolver, but Donovon prefers to use the bow and arrow, which he is extremely effective with. The two begin running away, and the player resumes control.]

FATHER: (telepathically) "Keep going north while holding those guards off! Don't try to take them all on or you'll just be outgunned!"


-- Discovered --

[This serves as a mini-boss type of battle, where players must simultaneously run and fight. The enemies approach in waves, and some ride three-wheelers beside the tracks in the widened areas. Slowing down to fight these enemies allows the running guards to catch up and shoot as well. Eventually the player reaches the corridor leading into the facilities, and a cutscene occurs. The tunnel has narrowed to the point where the enemy can no longer persue on their vehicles, and just as the two are running into the secret corridor, an enemy with a rocket launcher fires at them, and the explosion hits the wall behind them, causing it to crumble and block the exit. A chunk of stone hits Donovon in the back of his knee, knocking him to the ground. As they the dust settles and they catch their breath, the scene fades.]


== The Underground Facilities ==

-- Dirty George --

[The camera leaves the scene underground and instead shows the top of the hospital building, where a small helicopter is preparing to land. The ground beyond the hospital appears like a wasteland, filled with craters and vehicle wreckage. As the helicopter lowers, several elite guards are standing on the rooftop, scanning outwards with sniper rifles. The pace of the shots and music is becoming more rapid.]

[Inside, about a dozen guards are running through the hallways and up the stairs, shouting orders to secure a path for the Goddess Venus. The hospital is rather small, and the interior seems to be unfinished from the brief shots that are shown. Back to the helipad, Chezra climbs out of the helicopter and her escorts kneel before her. A captain kneels with them, and salutes her as she approaches. She speaks with the Liquid Snake-esque accent of authority.]

CHEZRA: (shouting) "Take me to see him!"

CAPTAIN: "Yes, Your Highness!"

[Outside one of the hospital rooms, a pot-bellied and moustached man lights up a cigar while leaving the bedside. He is wearing filthy overalls with flies buzzing around him, but no shirt underneath. His body and shoulders are hairy; his arms are muscular. Upon opening his mouth we see his crooked and missing teeth. He leans against the wall and takes a puff, squinting. As a nurse walks by covering her nose, he smiles and grabs her arm.]

???: "What's the matter, baby? Huh? Maybe you wanna give Dirty George a sponge bath?"

NURSE: (gagging) "Please, let go of me sir..."

DIRTY: (blowing smoke in her face) "Oh, so you know how to say please, huh? What else?"

[As he leans in and pushes her against the wall, the Captain walks around the corner with Chezra and the escorts.]

CAPTAIN: "Dirty George! You are in the presence of the Goddess Venus!"

DIRTY: (letting go of the nurse, smiling) "Oh mama, there's my favourite set of twins! How about giving me some of your physical blessings, Goddess? I can worship at your feet, or between your legs if you want!"

CAPTAIN: "Silence! Offending the Goddess Venus is punishable by death!"

[The Captain has stepped between Dirty George and Chezra, and is clearly furious. Dirty George calmly grabs the Captain by the throat, and slaps a device against the side of his head, which sticks like glue. The man's breathing is cut off, and he tries to pry George's hands away.]

DIRTY: "Offending Dirty George is punishable by death too, my friend."

[Chezra puts a hankerchief to her face as she walks by, ignoring the two of them. She enters the room and closes the door behind her. Dirty George lets go of the Captain, who coughs and tries pulling the device off of his head.]

CAPTAIN: (seething with rage, trying to stay under control) "What are you doing here? You haven't done anything to the intruder, have you?"

DIRTY: (smoking, calm) "You really want to know what I'm doing here, Captain...?"

CAPTAIN: (stops trying to take the device off, turns to an escort) "...Get me a doctor."

[The Captain walks away, defeated. The other escorts stand on either side of the door. Scene fades.]


-- B1 --

[The underground facility is brightly lit, spotless and well constructed. Rooms are spacious and filled with modern equipment, requiring various levels of cards to gain access to. Fix and Donovon are inside a Level 3 room, splinting his fractured knee. This is B1 of the facilities.]

FATHER: "Fix, I think you'll need to leave him behind. With that leg he'll be a liability."

DON: "Damn it to hell... I guess this is as far as I can accompany you. Ow!"

FIX: "You'll do fine as long as you don't try to be a hero."

DON: "That reminds me, I've been meaning to ask... Do you really think you can shut this place down? Even if you killed Azogue somehow, he's got a whole chain of command ready to continue his work. Different bases in different habitats, too."

FIX: (turning to leave) "Every uprising has a source of power — something that gives them a unique identity in the world, and a sense of loyalty. Whether it's a symbol, an ideology, or a new piece of technology, the key is to break the source of their confidence, and then it's just a matter of time before the whole thing unravels by itself."

DON: (sighing, leaning back) "Source of power? Well... I hope you find out what that is, because I never did. I just can't believe I'm sitting on the sidelines already."

FIX: "Don't get ahead of yourself. If you want to meet your family again, stay alive."

DON: (trying to move leg, wincing in pain) "Argh!"


--[Guards: The player resumes control. There is nothing of interest in the room, and walking up to Donovon will cause him to wish Fix good luck. Outside, the hallways are practically empty, with the occassional patrolling Elite Guard, dressed in a different uniform. They wear gray uniforms with black berets and carry Armsel Striker shotguns, as well as Choking Gas Grenades (CGG). If the player is spotted, they will try to pin the player into a closed area (where the player may try to hide) and throw the CGG, which begins to rapidly decrease health after three seconds of exposure. At this point they force the player to leave his hiding place, at which point they can use the shotgun, which are chained to the guards. Most of the guards in the Underground Facilities are not the correct body size for Fix, meaning he cannot take their uniform for a disguise, and their guns are also locked.]

--[Scientists: Scientists occassionally walk around and are mostly sitting at computers. In one of the rooms, two scientists idly discuss Chezra's beauty and the improbability of her being a real goddess. A different pair of scientists discuss Dirty George and the dangerous wasteland outside the hospital, saying that he has a dirty mind as well as a dirty mouth, etc. One scientist is drooling at scantily clad women on his computer screen, while another is just as drooling at blueprint of a walking robot. Scientists will notice that Fix is out of place immediately if they see him, and if Fix seems to be hanging around or approaching them, they will run and scream for a guard to help. If incapacitated without shedding blood, Fix can disguise himself as a scientist (Scientist Disguise), but because he is so young and muscular, they will still find him suspicious and run for help if he does anything abnormal. If Fix tries to use a computer or terminal he must input a password, preventing access.]

--[Waxed Floors: Several of the hallways and rooms have been recently waxed, meaning that a player will leave footprints make sticking sounds during and after walking on them. Bellycrawling does not work on wet wax, and will cause the player to be momentarily stuck to the ground. These areas are marked with a "Caution: Wet Floor" stand.]

--[Items: On the first floor of the facility are the laboratories and conference rooms. While exploring the player may find Thermal Goggles in a laboratory where some kind of transluscent metal alloy is being tested. The metal seems to become more transparent with more heat, and the player can switch the heat setting on or off. Also found around various areas are Medical Kits and some Alerzia.]

--[The Elevator: The only way to exit B1 at this point is to find a large elevator at the far end of the area. This elevator is low-level access and only leads down one floor. In order to go up the player would need to use a different elevator which requires higher level access.]


-- B2 --

[Going down to B2, there is a large area is darker and colder, with a series of vents blowing cold air onto storage containers. Inside these containers are all of the facilities' food, medical supplies, chemicals, equipment, etc, as well as several servers and processors. Two cameras slowly move horizontally along the length of the room, on opposite sides. There is an unmarked door at the far side, and the player must sneak between the containers with good timing to avoid being seen. Getting caught means that the room becomes filled with choking gas, and Fix dies.]

[If the player gets to the unmarked door, he finds it inaccessible. This prompts a cutscene.]

FIX: (thinking) "It's locked. I don't have the key for it."

FATHER: "If Dr. Morrison is somewhere down here, it's probably behind that door."

[The elevator activates and goes up, indicating that somebody is coming down.]

FIX: "Looks like I'm gonna have company."

[Fix hides in a safe spot and watches as the elevator comes back down with two guards and the Captain, whose head is now shaved and the device removed. The guards are both wearing full gas masks, and the Captain has one in his hand.]

CAPTAIN: "Sweep the area! Somebody used this elevator and it we don't know who."

FATHER: "This is bad. Make sure you don't get seen by either the cameras or the guards!"

[The guards begin walking around and scanning the area, while the cameras move along normally. The player must have excellent timing to avoid being seen, and depending on the difficulty the search will go longer or shorter. If the player manages to avoid being seen, the Captain will tell them to come back and search the vents. The guards will walk around and remove the covers, and take turns crawling inside while the other one stands guard. The Captain, meanwhile, will put the covers back on. The player must find an opportunity to crawl in an empty vent without being seen, and if this is done, a cutscene occurs and the area is complete.]



Part A - Part B - Part C - Part D - Part E - Part F - Part G - Part H



All original content © Terry Wolfe, 2008. Metal Gear, Metal Gear Solid and all related logos, characters, artwork, etc. © KONAMI CORPORATION
This is a fansite, and nothing on this site is intended for sale or profit.