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[Note: "MGS FIVE: Sins of Libertine" is my own imaginary sequel to the videogame Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots, and is meant to be taken as fan-fiction, not an actual product. It is not affiliated in any way with Konami, Kojima Productions, or the Metal Gear Series; however, it is presented here as if it were.]

Part A - Part B - Part C - Part D - Part E - Part F - Part G - Part H



== The Hospital ==

[After exiting the underground facilities through the high-level elevator, Fix enters the hospital. The first floor is completely unfinished, with no furniture or paint. Large areas of the building are nothing more than beams and bricks, making for a complex line of sight. The door to exit is on the far end from the elevator, on the west wall. There are lights positioned in strange places here, and the guards themselves carry pocket-flashlights on their shoulders, meaning that shadows become a factor. Three regular interior guards are patrolling, and one elite guard is instructing them on how to search for intruders and signs of intrusion. This means the player must listen to the elite guard to find out what they'll be doing.]

[The guards are instructed randomly and will only be focusing on one thing every time they're sent for a routine -- footprints and traces (in the sawdust and dirt); noises and shadows; boxes, barrels and disguises; and securing exits. The player may choose to sneak through or take out the soldiers as he pleases. In order to get up to the second storey there is a lift, but it can only be lowered and raised from the above storeys, meaning that people on the ground need someone above to let them up. That is not an option here.]


== Dirty ==

[Fix exits the hospital and a cutscene occurs. He enters the cratered, lifeless field of muck with caution, noticing a battletank and some other vehicles blown open. A few dead, twisted trees are scattered between, and the whole scene is brightly lit by the moon. Before he gets too far in, a strange voice speaks from behind him.]

???: "Are you enjoying the game so far?"

[Fix whips around to see a man leaning against a tree; he wears a traditional poncho as well as a sombraro which is lowered to hide his face.]

FIX: (gun aimed) "What! Who are you?"

???: (spitting on ground) "A lot of crazy things happen in this compound, don't you think? It's almost as if... you're in a dream."

FATHER: "Be careful, Fix. It's some kind of tactic."

FIX: "What are you talking about? Stop trying to play mind games."

???: "Mind games? No, no, I'm not the one playing mind games. I'm just curious how you can walk around with your eyes closed like that, listening to the voices in your head..."

[A closeup of Fix's eyes, wide open. Then a shot from his perspective, in Highlighting Mode so that he can see the man more clearly in the dark.]

FIX: "Huh? I think you better put your hands up and get on the-"

???: (interrupting) "Wake up and smell the bullshit, hero! Think about your role in all of this. Why were you chosen? How have you gotten this far? And... my, what would your mother think of all this?"

[Fix's concentration drops to "Low". He lowers his gun for a moment, then takes a step forward and lines up a shot.]

FIX: "My mother! What the hell did you say? If you don't get on the ground now I'll open fire!"

???: "You're going to kill me? You don't even know what's happening!"

FIX: "That's it! Do it by the count of three! One... two..."

[An explosion goes off between Fix and the man, blasting Fix backwards, into a puddle. This explosion seems to set off a smaller explosion, which trails around and creates a blazing wall wherever there's liquid. The heat and smoke blocks Fix from exiting, and the light from the fire causes everything to be painted with flickering bright orange.]

FIX: (getting on his feet, wet) "Argh! Father, come in!"

FATHER: (distorted) "Soldier! Stay sharp!"

FIX: (out loud) "Something's wrong! What's going on?"

FATHER: (breaking up) "I can... to concentrate! The fumes are..."

FIX: "Fumes?"

FATHER: "Can't you smell the... It's fertilizer and gasoline! It's interfering..."

[He looks at the puddles and notices how they ignite when they are close to the fire, causing chain reactions. He looks at his own wet self, and backs away from the flames.]

FIX: "I can't smell anything! Is this all flammable?"

DIRTY GEORGE: (offscreen) "Are you brain damaged or something? You're in a field of chemicals, brother!"

[Fix turns to see Dirty George on top of the ruined battletank, dramatically lit. He's smoking a cigar and is wearing a pair of small goggles. In his hand is a grenade launcher. The wind blows black fumes into Fix's eyes, causing him to shield his face and squint. He shoots towards Dirty George blindly while retreating, grazing the man's leg.]

DIRTY: "What in god's name... Hey, you're the intruder, aren't you! You came to eat my shit piles after all!! I knew it wasn't you in the hospital!"

FATHER: " bad, Felix! Get away from the... possible!"

[Fix runs away from the flames through the sticky muck, but Dirty George fires three grenades at various solid objects and pieces of wreckage standing around, causing the blasts to ignite and form a large ring of fire. There is no escape for Fix.]

FIX: "Damn it!"

DIRTY: (reloading) "I hate reloading! But I love the intoxicating smell of six dangerous chemicals burning together to create a haze of poison filth! It's the shitty smell of reality! You should embrace it!"

FIX: (to himself) "Poisonous?"

DIRTY: "It was pretty stupid of you to ignite this battlefield, but if you can make it more than five minutes without falling unconscious you'll have my respect! But even then you'll be messed up for the rest of your days!"

FIX: "Are you crazy!? We're both in danger here!"

DIRTY: (laughing) "I'm afraid not, amigo! I've got a superhuman tolerance for fumes and drugs! I could stand here all day and I'd just get a little buzzed! This is my idea of fun!"

FATHER: "...have to kill him, Fix! Stay away from the fuel!"

FIX: (thinking) "Father, what was that man talking about! He mentioned mama!"

[Father's response is purely distorted and incomprehensible.]

DIRTY: "I'll show you why they call me Dirty George!"


-- Fighting Dirty --

[The cutscene ends with Calvo calling on the codec. He's transmitting clearly but he sounds worried, and offers to save the mission data. Calling him results in basic advice and reassurance, while calling Father results in scraps of information, distorted and sometimes incoherant.]

[In order to defeat Dirty George, the player must traverse through the sticky muck (about shin high in some places, ankle deep in others), dodging his grenades and finding openings to fire at him. Grenades stick into the muck, but detonate if they hit a solid object or open flame. Grenades stuck in the muck can detonate if stepped on, or if a flame reaches it. Fires spread and die slowly, changing the shape of the arena.]

[Depending on the direction of the wind, the fumes will block vision and make the screen turn black, and Dirty George will especially target him at this time. He will also insult Fix, eventually making highly inappropriate remarks about his mother.]

[Getting wet makes it easier for Fix's clothes to start on fire from the intense heat; catching fire damages and eventually destroys whatever he's wearing, and reduce health in the process. Dry clothes won't catch fire, so avoiding puddles is important. Sommersault rolling is changed into diving here, and bellycrawling causes fix to actually stay in one spot and steadily bury himself. This can be used to put out fires, shield from heat and avoid being seen. There is ammunition in the vehicles.]

[As the fight progresses, Fix will begin seeing hallucinations, hearing voices, and having his Heads Up Display altered in bizarre ways, due to the chemicals. The sound of the flames becomes mute, and every battle sound sounds tinny and weak. Music plays slowly, and his breathing is heard loudly.]

[Once Dirty George is defeated, another cutscene occurs.]


-- Into Unknown --

[Fix is laying against some cover, holding his bandana (which never ignites) to his mouth. Meanwhile, not far off, Dirty George is leaning against the battletank, bloodied and coughing.]

DIRTY GEORGE: "You're a real... son of a bitch, kid! But you know what? You're gonna die here just the same as I am! How's that for justice!"

FIX: "..."

DIRTY: "I bet you wish you'd lived a little more, huh? Packed some fun into this shitty life?"

FIX: "..."

DIRTY: "My whole life I was called dirty, you know! On the day my dirty whore mother gave birth to me, I was dumped in the garbage can to die! Then I became a dirty bastard child... a dirty orphan... and a dirty liar! It didn't matter how clean I tried to be, I could... never wash away the truth!"

DIRTY: "Eventually I decided to embrace... what I couldn't escape! The realization that a clean life was nothing more than dishonesty and hypocrisy! The truth is we're all a bunch of damned, dirty animals... so I may as well enjoy it! I don't need... the comfort... of false superiority! I'm a true libertine!"

FIX: (wheezing) "Just shut up and die already!"

[Fix, whose perception seems to be out of whack, loses his hearing and looks up. Dirty George is seen still talking, coughing up blood, but it can't be heard. The black smoke clouds seem to open up to reveal a blinding light. It is a very peaceful sight, and the light grows brighter, flooding the area. Fix reaches up to it, but his eyes become too heavy and he falls unconscious.]



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All original content © Terry Wolfe, 2008. Metal Gear, Metal Gear Solid and all related logos, characters, artwork, etc. © KONAMI CORPORATION
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